
2024年1月10日—ETHNICCLEANSING翻譯:種族清洗。了解更多。,2024年1月3日—theorganized,oftenviolentattemptbyaparticularculturalorracialgrouptocompletelyremovefromacountryorareaallmembersofa ...,Ethniccleansingisthesystematicforcedremovalofethnic,racial,orreligiousgroupsfromagivenarea,withtheintentofmakingaregionethnically ...,ethniccleansing.美式.ph.種族淨化:使用威脅及暴力來迫使一個種族或民族人士...


2024年1月10日 — ETHNIC CLEANSING翻譯:種族清洗。了解更多。

ETHNIC CLEANSING在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯

2024年1月3日 — the organized, often violent attempt by a particular cultural or racial group to completely remove from a country or area all members of a ...

Ethnic cleansing

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically ...

ethnic cleansing

ethnic cleansing. 美式. ph. 種族淨化:使用威脅及暴力來迫使一個種族或民族人士離開某地理區域. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. ethnic cleansing. 美式. ph. 種族淨化:使用威脅及 ...

Ethnic cleansing

2023年12月15日 — Ethnic cleansing, the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons ...

Ethnic Cleansing

2009年10月14日 — Ethnic cleansing” is the attempt to get rid of—through deportation, displacement or even mass killing—members of an unwanted ethnic group in ...

A Brief History of Ethnic Cleansing

由 A Bell-Fialkoff 著作 · 1993 · 被引用 303 次 — cleansing can be understood as the expulsion of an undesirable population from a given territory due to religious or ethnic discrimi.

Genocide and ethnic cleansing

Ethnic cleansing has not been recognized as an independent crime under international law. The term surfaced in the context of the 1990's conflict in the former ...


種族清洗,又稱民族清洗(英語:ethnic cleansing),通常指某個國家或某個地區的強勢集團,為了自己的政治目的、經濟目的或者宗教目的而動用軍隊或者非法組織成員,對 ...